Tuesday, June 24, 2014


By Don Lechón

Living in a new country is exciting and an amazing adventure. However, one of the most frustrating issues are related to food. Yes, probably you can find really exotic dishes in a restaurant and be excited about new flavors. But what about the day to day groceries? What about the products you used to love in your country and in the new one you have no idea about what brands are good? Are they expensive? Are they worth the price?
Calm down foreign lechones. Your boy Don Lechon is here to give you some friendly guidance on some delicious and nutritious brands that you find in every Mexican Supermarket at a reasonable price.

Have you tried to buy natural yogurt but it´s really just a sugary mixture? Two recommendations for real natural yogurts are: Lala and Alpura. 

For a very delicious milk try: Santa Clara, Lala and Alpura. You can find them in all varieties: Whole, light, lactose-free etc..

Are you a cheese lover? Well, local cheese in the North and South of Mexico is scrumptious and cheap whereas in many cities in the center of Mexico it has a plastic-y taste. If you're lucky, it will taste like nothing. If this is your case then run to the closest supermarket and get Lala or Nestlé. 


My best recommendation for butter is definitely: Mantequilla Gloria with or without salt. It is so delicious you can´t resist. It is especially good for confectioneries. Some brownies made with this butter make for some mouth watering treats.


For a hot chocolate the main brands are Abuelita chocolate and Calcetose. They´re both really tasty.

For some delectable brownies, you will regularly find the brand Hershey's which is good but a little expensive. If you want something made in Mexico go to a Mexican candy shop and ask for dark chocolate.

If you are in the mood for a nice chocolate bar, don´t miss Almon-ris. It´s a fine cookie covered with chocolate and chopped almonds. Such an experience. Oiiink!


If Mexican people are good for something, it is inventing a huge variety of candy in many crazy combinations. 

Here´s a small list of my top 6!

1.Mamut- Vanilla cookie, white marshmallow covered with chocolate. Just amazing!

2. Bubaloo - Chewing gum with delicious cherry jelly inside. It´s not just any chewing gum but an explosion of flavor!

3. Pasitas con chocolate- Raisins covered with dark chocolate. from the brand Ricolino.They are very delicious!

4. Jamoncillos- It´s a Mexican candy made with milk and sugar. The best brand for jamoncillos is no brand! You can get them in typical Mexican candy shops.

5. Obleas de coronado- It´s a milky and delicious Mexican candy made with caramel and wafers. You can´t miss it!

6. Fruits with tamarind and chile- I prefer those made at local candy shops because some Mexican brands with chile and tamarind have lead. Those with mango or pineapple are just unbelievable!

Mexico is rich in spices. My personal recommendation is to go to the market. You can find them very cheap and fresh but in case you want to have a backup, the best brand of spices is: ESCOSA. 

If you want to prepare a home made cake, the best flour brands are: Alaska, Alta Proteína, El Clavel and El Rosal.

For pastas I recommend: Barilla, Allegra, Anatina and Goya.

Peanut butter lover? Me too! Choose Aladino in all its presentations. You can also find Jif. 

For jams and jellies: Clemente Jacques and Del Monte are typical and cheap brands but it doesn't mean they aren't flavorful!

"Cajeta" is soft-toffee. Buy it, put it on a slice of bread, eat it and then relax as a couple of angels come down and whisk you away to flavor town. The best brand? Coronado.

For juices, JUMEX is where it's at! 
For sodas prefer the brand Boing! What is good about this brand is that you can taste soda in many exotic flavors like tamarind, mango, mandarin and strawberry. The taste is really natural. 
In the mood for a Margarita? Well, well, you've come to the right place. The most delicious tequilas without a doubt are: Herradura Reposado, Don Julio Reposado, José Cuervo reserva de la casa and 1800 Reserva de la Casa. 
Hungover? The best natural water brands are: Gerber, Nestlé and Santa María.
Tea time? The best brand is:  La pastora and Therbal.
A cup of coffee? Mexican coffee is the 7th largest producer of coffee in the world. I always go for non-commercial brands of artesanal coffee made in Veracruz or Chiapas. If you can´t find it next to your place, get Punta del Cielo and Garat.

HAMS AND SAUSAGES Hey! Don´t forget I´m a gluton! I can´t recommend that!! Ok, York from Food is a really good brand. Mexican brands for sausages are not very tasty.

LEGUMES. Two very delicious brands for beans are Isadora Frijoles bayos and Frijoles Chata. They are so delicious you won´t resist!

GREEN AND RED SAUCE. Never buy canned sauce, even if it´s certified! Buy it home made in the tortillerias!

TORTILLAS Never buy a brand in particular! Always get them in the tortilleria on the corner or in the supermarket tortillería.

BREAD, CEREAL AND COOKIES Nestlé and Kellogs are the only brands you will find. It´s not a recommendation but it´s what you´ll find. 

MEAT, CHICKEN AND PORK Local stores have the most fresh options all the time.

FROZEN FOOD- The best brands are La Huerta, and La Huerta Organic, Santa Clara .

OLIVE OIL La Cordobesa is your girl! But if you can´t find it choose a Spanish brand.

Most of the products mentioned above have the Kosher Certification.

If you name me a product that doesn´t appear in this blog, let me know and it will be my honor to assist you!

Oink, oink - Don Lechón

Do you want to know if the product you bought in Mexico has KA Certification? For more info go to: http://www.ka-kosher.com/productos.php

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