Thursday, June 12, 2014


By Don Fantástico

Hello foxies!
It´s me again with a little article about Piñatas. 
Piñatas are colorful figures made from a clay pot covered with paper mache and filled with candy, fruit and peanuts. 
To properly enjoy a party with a piñata, it is important to suspend it from a rope. Blind-folded children take turns hitting it with a decorated stick until it breaks and the candy falls to the ground. Kids hastily grab as much candy as they can.


La Piñata, 1953. Mural de Diego Rivera en el Hospital Infantil de México
La piñata by Diego Rivera
Piñatas were born at the same time of the posadas around 1586 (Christmas catholic celebrations). Marco Polo was said to have brought the piñata from China on one of his trips. 
Marco Polo breaking the Piñata
The original piñata has a star shape with seven points. Each point represents the seven sins and the bright color represents temptation. The blindfold stands for faith and the stick is the will-power to overcome sin. The candy inside the piñata symbolizes the riches of the kingdom of heaven. While the piñata is being swung at by michievous children, a song is sung:

Dale, dale, dale
no pierdas el tino
porque si lo pierdes
pierdes el camino

ya le diste uno
ya le diste dos
ya le diste tres
y tu tiempo se acabó
¡Se acabó!

The Guinness world record for largest Piñata.


Hit, hit, hit, 
Don´t lose your aim
Because if you lose it
You will lose your own way

You hit it once
you hit it twice
you hit it tree times
and your time is up
¡Is up!


Through time piñatas became a fundamental element of every child's birthday. Nowadays, there are piñatas in a huge variety of shapes and materials.

Piñatas everywhere
Cartoon characters


Making a piñata is simple and very fun!
Here is a link with information about how to make your own piñata. 

See you next post!
Don Fantástico

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